Friday, July 17, 2020


Happy Friday everyone! Today I'm doing a tag that I stole from Megan's awesome blog: The Pen and the Cross, which you can view Here. (okay I didn't really steal this tag, she kindly left it open to anyone). Thanks, Megan!

The Rules:
1. Provide a link to the creator's original award post. (very important: see why in step 5)
2. Answer the questions provided.
3. Create 7 unique questions.
4. Nominate 10 bloggers. Be sure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award's creator nor the blogger that nominated you can be nominated.
5. At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator's original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award!

I’m not going to follow all the rules. Hope that’s alright?
Well, this sounds fun! That’s get right to it. ;)

1. I am gifting you with a time machine, but there are limitations. Would you rather go backwards in time exactly 100 years, or forwards in time exactly 100 years? You get to spend one day in whichever time you choose. Also, there is no geographic feature on this time're spending that day exactly where you are now, just not when you are now.

Since I'm a lover of everything old fashioned, I'm going to say backwards in time. Even if the 1920s isn’t my favorite time period, I still think that it would be very interesting to see what it was like to live back then. A game of Mahjong anyone?

2. Do you appreciate eggs as a breakfast food, or would you rather skip them?

Perfect Scrambled Eggs (1 Minute Scrambled Eggs) - The Flavor Bender

Sometimes. Eggs is one of those foods that I have to be in the right mood to eat.

3. Do you think of Winter personified as a masculine or feminine entity?

*Thinks of Old Man Winter* I'm going to say masculine. Maybe because it's not as colorful and pretty as some of the other seasons? Harsh winds, biting cold, shorter and darker days. . . .

4. Greece or Rome?


5. Would you rather be able to jump into and out of books or movies?

How To Clean Books: Remove Stains, Mold, and Dirt From Old Books

Books for sure! I would love to have tea with Mr. Tumnus, go to a dance with the Bennet sisters, or have a good, long talk with Bilbo about his adventures! There's something so much more cozy about books than movies.

6. Historically speaking, what is your favorite war to learn about?


Hmm, hard one. History is so fun to read about, and there are so many interesting and important wars! I guess I'll go with the war that I never get tired of leaning about: The American Civil War.

7. What book/series would you give your top left molar to see made into a TV show?

Enemy Brothers by Constance Savery. There you go, that's my choice, have my molar! I feel like this book would make a wonderful TV show. Just think of all the great characters you would have to work with, and all the great stories you could wright about them all! Hey, maybe each member of the family could have their own episode (That is, after we’ve finished the 10 episode/10 hourlong first season, that follows the original plot line of the book to the very last detail). :D
Really, if you haven’t read this book yet, you NEED TOO NOW!!! I love this book so much!

Well, I hope you all enjoyed reading my answers to this tag. I sure had a blast doing it!

Now for the 7 new questions:

1. What Are Four Of Your Favorite Movies?

2. Grant Or Lee?

3. Thoughts On Cotton Candy?

4. If You Had To Live In A Different Country, What Country Would You Choose?

5. A Popular Book That You Never Cared For?

6. Annie Oakley Or Queen Victoria?

7. Favorite Play? (William Shakespeare Or Other).

I tag:

Catherine @ The Rebelling Muse
Emily @ A Catholic Shield-Maiden

If anyone else would like to do this tag, feel free to steal it. I would love to see your answers!

God Bless,